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Blogs & Stories

480 replies

These Are the Voyages...

Hi folks. Haven't been playing poker a lot during COVID due to some major obstacles, but getting back to it. Last year just 124h of poker and 445 MTTs (probably less than any year since I started playing around 2005) for some minor profit. Made over 60k€ from casino and sportsbook stuff though (concentrated more on those, as they don't require as much concentration and effort). Week ago played and got a little trophy: Yesterday woke up 8 PM, decided to jump right at the deep end (playing 50 R/A's too) and got 2nd place from Odyssey. Would've been fun to start this with trophy pics (also was like 6th at Gorsky) but better than nothing: Playing on other sites too, but naturally gonna concentrate on Unibet stuff here. Streaming in Finnish occasionally too (I usually check if there's some other Finnish poker streamer streaming and if not, might launch one myself) so feel free to join: https://www.twitch.tv/farseerfinland You'll probably see me around at R/A's from 5€ R/A to higher levels. Those are only MTTs I am currently playing (I like Banzai Bounties too, but too bad there's no offering of that at buy-in levels 5€ up when I am playing). Might change a nick though... haven't decided yet if it makes more good or bad 😄 Been keeping same nick in case I participate on some community promos so I don't forget to change my nick back.

Farseer By Farseer

Blogs & Stories

133 replies

Fourteen Years Of Heartache In The Microverse, Is The End In Sight?

At times it feels much longer but it is in fact 14 years since I started playing online poker. You'd think 14 years doing something would make anyone recognisable as a cut above the newbies, or fish, or recs, whatever's politically correct to call the newcomers these days, but sadly in my case time has not been so kind. Yes there have been some improvements, I actually call myself a winning player these days, albeit at a very small rate and amongst the lowest stakes it's possible to play at, but winning is winning. I've been a little over 6 years on Unibet, I never tracked my stats, deposited when losing and withdrew when winning, and although the figures are somewhat skewed to a small sample of mainly tournament wins, statistics don't lie, do they?     A Little Housekeeping.   2024-04-01 15-11-08.mp4      The frustrating thing today, there always seems to be one, is that though I had the best intentions I'm already falling behind my schedule, loose and fluid though it is. I've not played a hand of poker today but I was playing for an unusually long time yesterday, (thin brag incoming) in the farewell to Ukranians and Bulgarians tourneys, one of which, the UAT version, I won, and cashing in the other, (brag over.) I've also started picking a few horses out here and there, posting them on YouTube, definitely NOT tipping them. That's it for now, updates as and when but hopefully regularly, and good luck all at the tables.    Small update:  Of course my number of hands played isn't for the full 6 years, only since the Game Lab came in, still a very small amount though.     


Poker Support

6 replies

Compensation request

Hi there, I was told by Katie in support:  "I am writing to you as the supervisors have come back to me and advised you will need to contact the Poker Community about this matter. "  ...so here I am! at 00:50 on 3/10 I was chipleader in the €10 Turbo PKO with slightly less than 2x chips of 2nd place on the money bubble when I got the "disconnect detected" message. That continued for about half an hour during which I saw a few hands. I could see that some players were disconnected but others were still playing. At 01:20 it ran through the 20 attempts to reconnect and logged me out. From then I tried to log back in every 5-10 minutes but did not actually get back in until roughly 02:00 when I saw that I had finished 3rd and there was a HU ongoing with 1 player having ~140bb to the other players' ~10bb. From this it seemed a reasonable assumption that the CL had been able to stay logged in more often that the rest of us.

As it was a PKO and I was runaway CL on the bubble, I think it's fair to request some compensation, as the tourney was never paused and at least one player was able to continue playing. I have attached a screenshot from the lobby that I took when first disconnected. Thanks !   QD

MikeyLikey By MikeyLikey

Betting and Sports

3,913 replies

Stubbe's Bundesliga Corner

It all started back in the 2000/2001 season, when the Danish forward Ebbe Sand had a fantastic season at Schalke 04. My interest was aroused; I read a lot about Schalke and the Bundesliga, and I started watching a lot of games as well. It didn't take long, before I was hooked - I had become a Bundesliga junkie. In the years to come, I'd spend countless hours in front of the tv and computer, watching and analyzing games, reading Bundesliga news etc. The number of Schalke matches I've missed in the last 2 years, can be counted on one hand, and I've obviously been to Gelsenkirchen a few times as well. About 5-6 years ago I started betting on the Bundesliga. I got off to a less than optimal start, but I learned a lot and my game slowly improved. A few years later I had my own Bundesliga betting blog with a ROI of +10, and I was also a Bundesliga expert at the largest Danish betting community for a short while. When I started working for Unibet, I didn't feel like I had the time to bet seriously anymore, and for almost a year, I didn't place a single bet. Today I'm only betting for the entertainment, but I like to believe, that I've still got the ability to spot a bet with value. I'm going to challenge myself, and will post a few Bundesliga bets every week, with the goal of creating a small profit. I'll keep score of the bets in this post. As there's quite a long time till the next Bundesliga game, I'll temporarily be using this thread to share my view on transfers, season bets and anything Bundesliga, that I find interesting. EDIT: now that we've got the new emoticons implemented, I'll start using a money bag scale to indicate the value. This info will be added to the heading of each bet. :cash: = 100-103.9 BV
:cash::cash: = 104-106.9 BV
:cash::cash::cash: = 107-109.9 BV
:cash::cash::cash::cash:= 110-112.9
:cash::cash::cash::cash::cash: = >112.9
An Excel sheet with all bets can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/03gzxjg595t8ybd/Bundesliga_Corner_Stubbe.xlsx?dl=0

BonusPater By BonusPater

Poker Support

143 replies

Laggy Client

Hey Unibet! For some reason when I play on the browser the animations are much smoother  abd the FPS is higher but when I use the client the performance is pretty laggy. I have a decent PC so the client should work fine. Any tips? Thanks! 

TudorAK89 By TudorAK89

Idea Exchange

8 replies

Option to show my hand

I would like to be able to show my cards after the hand is over. I think this option adds entertainment to the game, for example when you can show your opponent that you have bluffed him.

nah60n By nah60n

Trending Ideas

Idea Exchange

8 replies

Option to show my hand

I would like to be able to show my cards after the hand is over. I think this option adds entertainment to the game, for example when you can show your opponent that you have bluffed him.

nah60n By nah60n

Idea Exchange

0 replies

The Betting Button Design Causes More Misclicks

Lately I've started paying more attention to misclicks and noticed that they happen way more often on the Unibet software than anywhere else. At least for me, the layout of the buttons regularly causes two mistakes: 1. In tournaments when trying to press the small "All-in" button, I instead hit the call button which can lead to disasters on later streets
2. When trying to click the small input window for an opening size or a 3bet, I too often just hit the "Raise" and minclick it instead I've now learned to scroll for a 3bet instead of typing it in, but for opening sizes and shoves i keep constantly misclicking which can completely f up the hand. I guess the difference to other sites is that on Unibet the preflop size buttons are in the middle of the betting slide and the action buttons, instead of being on top of them both, which in my experience leads to less misclicks (picture below). 

Has anyone else been facing this same problem with the layout of the betting buttons?  

Daytona By Daytona

Idea Exchange

1 reply

Mission counter

Is there a way to track how many flops i've seen? Can you create a counter for missions like this?

nah60n By nah60n
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