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the €131.88 Poker Journal

Nestabear By Nestabear

Blogs & Stories

82 replies

Fourteen Years Of Heartache In The Microverse, Is The End In Sight?

At times it feels much longer but it is in fact 14 years since I started playing online poker. You'd think 14 years doing something would make anyone recognisable as a cut above the newbies, or fish, or recs, whatever's politically correct to call the newcomers these days, but sadly in my case time has not been so kind. Yes there have been some improvements, I actually call myself a winning player these days, albeit at a very small rate and amongst the lowest stakes it's possible to play at, but winning is winning. I've been a little over 6 years on Unibet, I never tracked my stats, deposited when losing and withdrew when winning, and although the figures are somewhat skewed to a small sample of mainly tournament wins, statistics don't lie, do they?     A Little Housekeeping.   2024-04-01 15-11-08.mp4      The frustrating thing today, there always seems to be one, is that though I had the best intentions I'm already falling behind my schedule, loose and fluid though it is. I've not played a hand of poker today but I was playing for an unusually long time yesterday, (thin brag incoming) in the farewell to Ukranians and Bulgarians tourneys, one of which, the UAT version, I won, and cashing in the other, (brag over.) I've also started picking a few horses out here and there, posting them on YouTube, definitely NOT tipping them. That's it for now, updates as and when but hopefully regularly, and good luck all at the tables.    Small update:  Of course my number of hands played isn't for the full 6 years, only since the Game Lab came in, still a very small amount though.     


Betting and Sports

1,356 replies

Sportsbook promos and competitions - Discussions

Not sure if this is to replace the U-goal promotion for good, but it's €50k split between everyone who gets all the 6 picks correct :cash: https://www.unibet.com/promotions/sportsbook-promotions/quiz-game Too bad it's not as screenshottable as U-goal was, but maybe people will like to post their picks on this one too, as many of us did with U-goal :Thumbsup:   This weeks questions: 1. Which team will win the season opener, Liverpool or Norwich ( or draw )? 2. ManUtd - Chelsea: both teams to score? 3. ManUtd - Chelsea: correct score? 4. Newcastle - Arsenal: number of goals? 5. Tottenham - Aston Villa: number of corners? 6. ManCity - West Ham: first team to score?   Should be a lot easier than finding the correct score on 4 matches :Ok:

Purps By Purps

Betting and Sports

11 replies

Golden Penalty

Hello, I was just wondering why the Golden Penalty seems so difficult to score?? I must have trieed what 15 times in succession and every penalty has been saved. Not very realistic, most penalties are scored. What am I doing wrong, or is it the same for everybody? Thanks  

RubyJean By RubyJean

Betting and Sports

3 replies

Who do we want to see in the grand final? ( quick test poll )

So, our semi-final pairings are:   Spain vs France Netherlands vs England   Which match do we want to spend our Sunday evening with?   This test is mainly for me to test how the poll with hidden voter names works ( never done one of those ), so it will already close at 09:00 on tomorrow Monday.   But it's also interesting to see the results, so thanks for voting! 🙂👍

Purps By Purps

Unibet Live Events

4 replies

UDSO Package information

Hello, I was wondering for which events the UDSO Package as below can be used exactly. It says it can be used for UDSO/MPF Malta, but if I go to the information website at deepstackopen.com there are five upcoming events. Can this package be used for all?  Another question I have is if the hotel stay is inclusive or exclusive a guest. Or are certain hotels inclusive guests and other exclusive? Thanks in advance for your respond 🙂   

Mano4 By Mano4
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