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Getaway from planet Breakeven and land on the Supermoon

Hello everybody!
First of all let me say this is my first blog in english language, so be patient 🙂 
The title is maybe missleading as I'm on my sasonal break from trying to freeroll into the 250€ Supermoon, but for the sake of the blog/challenge I might play some qualifiers from time to time. The break is due to longer and warmer days and the kid is not going to bed that early like in the winter. It wasn't my initial intention to open this blog, but theres absolutely nothing to lose. If i'll improve my English i'll count it as a success. My story is very similar to @GR1ZZL3R. Years of playing, but still stuck at the micros's. I was a reg at NL10 before Unibet, the bankroll is there also for more than that, but at the moment I somehow don't feel confortable. Maybe this blog will push me and motivate me to jump and try it and see how it goes.
On the other side, I had my moments in MTT's where I had a pleasure to play buy ins up to 530$, thanks to satellites. Great experience in my poker life. I hope to live such emotions soon again 😉 To keep me focused on my game and not to be result oriented and frustrated about the money I keep my balance hidden, but for the sake of this blog i'll write down my Unibet balance at the moment Bankroll on 3rd April:  523 EUR
Bonus points: 1007
Tickets: 10€ Supermoon, 10€ Unibet live
Gamelab hand counter: 358.000
XP: 592 So, what's the plan!? I will do what i'm usually doing. Playing 4NL (I should go for a 10NL regarding my bankroll, but swings are huge already), taking advantage of promotions, completing missions (if affordable) and all the goodies Unibet will offer. I don't exclude a jump on 10NL if I will feel to do it. Time permitting I would love to play also MTT's 1-5 EUR Freeroll into the 250€ Supermoon strategy:
flip 0.04€ -> flip 0.40€ -> 2€ -> 10€ -> 50€ -> 250€) 🚀 land & cash it Every quarter I'll try to reach Level2 as soon as possible, to be eligible for a bi-weekly freerolls and try to collect tickets for MTTs.
Goal: have fun and make some profit after all

HardGain By HardGain

General Poker

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HexaPro multipliers - Should we change to 2x for all stakes?

Below the two possible distributions. 1.5x minimum multiplier: Multiplier Probability in 100k games Probability in % 1000 1 0.0% 100 5 0.0% 25 100 0.1% 10 4,600 4.6% 5 14,000 14.0% 3 25,000 25.0% 1.5 56,294 56.3%   2x minimum multiplier: Multiplier Probability in 100k games Probability in % 1,000 1 0.0% 100 2 0.0% 10 4,000 4.0% 5 2,500 2.5% 4 6,000 6.0% 3 26,747 26.8% 2 60,750 60.8% NB changes won't be made based on the outcome of this poll. There's a lot more thinking, research and data needed, and I'm simply curious to see what you guys on here think 🙂 

Stubbe-Unibet By Stubbe-Unibet


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EURO Free Poll Predictor

Promotion description can be found here:     This thread is for the overall leaderboard updates and discussions.   Overall leaderboard after Round 13 ( Monday 1.7 ) 1. OMGJamesWelz 266,41 2. kwasozlop 257,56 3. HardGain 256,79 4. Lockty 255,01 5. Stubbe-Unibet 239,96 6. Nestabear 234,55 7. BillyR23 228,77 8. FaiDeaEmo 223,08 9. miziel 221,30 10. GR1ZZL3R 220,52 11. SCOBY 218,95 12. Juuti777 217,14 13. PapryczkaChili33 217,06 14. shobolanul 216,42 15. chabby36 214,17 16. xjn 212,98 17. Greggg 212,84 18. Purps 209,58 19. CocoYulia 208,39 20. marlini2 207,09 21. XY 204,62 22. MaecTpo 201,31 23. bvb32 201,30 24. Deemo 200,88 25. MadAdo 200,45 26. JokerJames95 199,71 27. theMachine 199,30 28. YlarP 198,14 29. Greg8 198,08 30. RichardB 197,65 31. whereisrivaldo 196,64 32. Kamon 196,31 33. successlaw 195,90 34. Marcel1909 195,89 35. czarekczarek 195,87 36. tinkeri 195,60 37. CristianPoker80 193,30 38. Whoever 190,46 39. Karmasuper 189,99 40. cris1285 188,96 41. fele007 185,59 42. hajnalmaya96 185,37 43. Boby 184,25 44. Betzcom 183,93 45. Uni-best 181,70 46. Jellyroger 181,06 47. Insideman 178,64 48. Iceman 177,15 49. Janek 174,05 50. FreedoM 172,08 51. Pionrj 171,35 52. Esir 169,25 53. Farseer 164,87 54. Livertool 164,79 55. Nightrider84 163,54 56. Blessed94 153,86 57. Rentz 153,47 58. comanimal 149,38 59. 100HourChallenge 147,19 60. danielril97 145,52 61. jerry 145,41 62. Costelpnk 145,28 63. kjhg 142,05 64. Ozzyholik 139,35 65. TheFonze 128,92 66. FeelsBadMan 127,27 67. SickOldIMLOF 120,58 68. EvilPenguin 104,52 69. Blue_or_Red 99,36 70. digidong 96,87 71. Masato 95,19 72. Appie 91,72 73. Smeag071 85,50 74. macmac31 77,24 75. Messwithme 69,30 76. dynamo 62,61 77. dufc1909 55,03 78. MaGs 54,72 79. HonorTheGame 50,10 80. Laurens23 48,91 81. swoon 46,30 82. tall3 40,06 83. OmNomNom 37,54 84. Asofie1 37,32 85. DKnight 36,96 86. Good vibes only 36,89 87. Littlebrotha 36,51 88. labadabadu 34,61 89. Amadeusz 33,91 90. Norwaypoker 33,30 91. TheNotor1ous 25,40 92. ImaSheep 25,35 93. Konsta123 24,33 94. High-Lander 24,12 95. LIKE2FISH 23,64 96. giesahaun 22,92 97. maruni 22,35 98. SPCinvader 21,62 99. THOMASGKSTYCHY 20,01 100. dj-man 18,84 101. AceOfDiam0nd 18,34 102. Kry56 18,24 103. swzyxd 18,15 104. Nagy romeo 17,96 105. Ja-z-Polszy 15,28 106. Bjerketrav 12,97 107. johnm931 11,81 108. Knarkim87 10,76 109. Robert1990 9,91 110. TiOO 9,75 111. Jemkii 9,08 112. PUPAA 8,64 113. Wmatthijs 7,15 114. Jonna333 5,00   ( Leaderboard with all the round scores can be viewed on Google Docs )    

Purps By Purps

Blogs & Stories

52 replies

The Journey Continues : Dubnjoy's WSOP, EPT and Inner Healing Process Yo 😎

Keep Da Mind On Da Grind (an Intro) Here's the thing : after playing professionally for 13 years, we kind of go through the (daily) motions.  Of clicking buttons online while grinding 7-8 tables of PLO, NLHE and Hexapro - on Unibet, of course 😉.  Of meditating for a couple hours daily to clear the mind before rinse-repeating the grind.  Of going to your MMA class to strike away the tilt on boxing bags like a mama-fracker (if not directly into the faces of fellow MMA colleagues).  Of taking the dog to the park or by the riverside to catch fresh air and for her, well...  to poop and see if she can engage in a fight, of course!!!.  Of preparing a lovely dinner for the gf as you have done so for the past 4 years (and a more fast-food one for her son).  Of going out on weekends for lovely romantic dinners, more casual ones when her son tags along (as well as the dog), or of simply chilling together sipping on coffee on the sunny afternoon grass, you know ❤️... until it all vanishes away 😮. The gf, her son, the dog...  The lovely weekends, gone in a flash!  The cosy routine, a forgotten page tucked into the book of faded memories! All that remains is the grind, that eternal grind of pouncing on the mouse with that familiar omniscient Unibet fracking beeping sound when the PLO 400 tables are SWINGING up and down like an uncontrollable manic madman while simultaneously ending up HU at several NLHE tables against that oh-TOO-familiar-obnoxious-villainous-foe and also witnessing that failed attempt of binking a 10x Hexapro on the last table 😡🙃😉.  Frack, FRACK and a thousand times frack 😡😡😡 Yup, all gone.  Vanished into ether.   Nonetheless,  in the midst of all this vast emptiness, at the horizon a breach has opened itself into a never ending sense of freedom yo 😎   On the road ahead awaits a 3 weeks layover in Las Vegas for the WSOP.  The main targets will be the Millionaire Maker, the 10k PLO Championship, The Colossus and the Main Event, of course.  EPT Prague will also be awaiting in December - no fracking way I am going back to Bahamas this year 😡 -, while several small series in Montreal, Punta del Este and Brazil might require a stop...  But one cannot simply engage in such an MTT live itinerary without prior inner healing, right, as lest not forget that we are just recently being exposed to the tribulations of a 4 year relationship separation, so I will be going to a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat in a couple of weeks (in Buenos Aires) before hopping over to Peru for an Ayahuasca ceremony in the Sacred Valley.   Yup, poker has granted me with an uncountable amounts of privileges over the past decade+, yet that 100k+ live MTT score still remains elusive...  We got this yo 😎

Dubnjoy000 By Dubnjoy000

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the €131.88 Poker Journal

Nestabear By Nestabear


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Spin and Win, 3 big wins in a week. Is it possible?


Perko58 By Perko58
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